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Mutual Funds

Morningstar’s latest mutual fund research and analysis. Get an inside look at the mutual fund industry and your favorite funds through the eyes of our analysts.

Best Mutual Fund Investments

Invest with Confidence: Introducing Morningstar's Medalist Rating
Morningstar has united its two forward-looking managed investment ratings—the Morningstar Analyst Rating and the Morningstar Quantitative Rating—into a single rating: the Morningstar Medalist Rating.

Investment Picks from Morningstar

Funds Research and Education

Compare Funds From the Top Asset Management Companies
Dig into the fund families from some of the top investment companies to see how they stack up.

More Articles and Videos About Mutual Funds

Why Pay Up for Bond Funds?
Why Pay Up for Bond Funds?
Fees predict bond fund performance, with cheaper funds consistently outperforming pricier offerings.